HEPA (Human Ecology Practical Area) Farmer Field School (FFS) is a pioneering training dedicated to strengthen indigenous youth. HEPA FFS lies at the heart of the 6 inter-thematic networks action of Mekong Community Network Action for Ecological Trading (MECO-ECOTRA).
Overuse of resources and the lack of a caring attitude towards Human-Nature relationships in many sensitive watershed ecosystems have been the major causes leading to land desertification problems, gradual erosion of social traditions, and the losses of ecological biodiversity.
Vieng Phet’s activities in Myanmar to continually expand eco-farming
Vieng Phet, a K2A student from HEPA, also has updated information on his activities in Myanmar to continually promote the process of skills sharing and capacity building in eco-farming for Myanmar farmers.
He promoted useful activities with farmers. For example: Since 6 months from his first visit to Bago farm, he had an opportunity to come there again and carry out some activities:
Testing and harvesting manure from Banana circle.
Testing the effectiveness of EM
Designing more vegetables eco-garden.
Sharing and making 18-days compost.
Sources and photographs from Vieng Phet (K2A student, HEPA)