HEPA (Human Ecology Practical Area) Farmer Field School (FFS) is a pioneering training dedicated to strengthen indigenous youth. HEPA FFS lies at the heart of the 6 inter-thematic networks action of Mekong Community Network Action for Ecological Trading (MECO-ECOTRA).
Overuse of resources and the lack of a caring attitude towards Human-Nature relationships in many sensitive watershed ecosystems have been the major causes leading to land desertification problems, gradual erosion of social traditions, and the losses of ecological biodiversity.
Results of the 2nd workshop of Young eco-farmers in Simacai area in order to orient to build and develop local eco-farming
The first workshop on 12-13th of March 2014 helped to understand the present circumstances of FFS-Simacai alumni students, what they are doing on their land and also formed the interest groups and offered ideas for development. To have specific plans and realized those ideas, FFS-Simacai organized the 2nd workshop on 30th April and 1st May with the participation of nine alumni students.
The contents of the meeting focused to present ideas and individual orientations that were reflected on current and future farm diagrams of their land. At the same time the meeting also mentioned the challenges and offered solutions. After the 2nd workshop few days, Mr. Duong Quang Chau worked with Simacai alumni students on the issues of building and development models of young eco-farmers, to select the special activities which are proper to cultural identities, family, and community in accordance with the strengths of this area, and especially sustainable development as a strategy.
The results of the workshop were (1) Each alumni student showed the current and future farm diagrams of their farms following eco –farming (with financial estimate) (2) The interest groups were formed with full information of each member and (3) Nine members gave a list of plants and animals to develop in their interest group based on the strength of the area.
Please share some pictures in the 2nd of the workshops
Source: Vang Sin Min (Chief Secretary MECO-ECOTRA)
Ly Seo Van was sharing about the design diagram to build a farm in the future