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Thursday, 19/09/2024
Beyond nature worship
Sovereignty for natural nursery
Freedom factor and figure
Beyond localization (inter-gengeration)
Result of practical workshop “Liquid composting”
   On 21st March 2014, FFS-HEPA and FK Internship organized a practical workshop of making liquid compost
   Materials mainly from nature included: Leaves (2kg), cattle manure (10 -15kg), forest top soil (2kg), “sugar, molasses or fruits” (2kg), and water (160 -180 lit). For the method of making liquid compost please see the power-point in Documents theme

  Result of the training course: Students made 200 liters of liquid compost. After seven days it will be used for crops and continuous track will be kept of the growth of the crops to apply it widespread in FFS-HEPA.

  Source: Miriam van Muijlwijk (SPERI).

Separate the green leaves of legume plants from their branches

Sift the soil to get rid of branches, dry leaves, and stones

Prepare materials

Add manure in large bucket and stir

Add sugar and stir

Add green leaves and stir

Continuously add 200 liters of water and stir

Test by hand

This is OK
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- Beyond nature worship
- Sovereignty for natural nursery
- Freedom factor and figure
- Beyond localization (inter-gengeration)
Cirriculum & courses
- Learning Philosophy
- Foundation course
- Advanced course
- Leadership course
Sustainability & sustainer
- Customary governance
- Family governance
- Alternative vocational governance
- Multicultural governance
Cultural-ecological capital
- Overview
- Profile of elders
- Profile of mother - father trees
- Community forest
Campus & logistic
- Farmer Field School Sites
- Family campus
- Community campus
- Regional campus
12C Pham Huy Thong Str, Ba Dinh Dist, Hanoi City  *  Tel: +84-(0)4-3771 7367  *  Fax: +84-(0)4-3771 5691  *  Email: speri@speri.org
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