HEPA (Human Ecology Practical Area) Farmer Field School (FFS) is a pioneering training dedicated to strengthen indigenous youth. HEPA FFS lies at the heart of the 6 inter-thematic networks action of Mekong Community Network Action for Ecological Trading (MECO-ECOTRA).
Overuse of resources and the lack of a caring attitude towards Human-Nature relationships in many sensitive watershed ecosystems have been the major causes leading to land desertification problems, gradual erosion of social traditions, and the losses of ecological biodiversity.
Soil erosion is a threat to agricultural production in general and particularly in HEPA. As observed by staff and students in Rao An area, after the flash-flood in Sep-Oct 2013, the soil on the terrace system on the right of the Eco-kitchen were less eroded than the system in front of Eco-kitchen where terraces had not been built.
With the purpose of limiting soil erosion and creating a beautiful landscape, staff and students at Rao An area discussed and decided to build a terrace system in front of Eco-kitchen. When the terrace is completed, it will grow plants that are suitable to live in shaded condition such as ginger, turmeric, galangal, and taros. Those plants are to protect the soil from erosion and also provide products for the kitchen.
Source: HEPA Staff:
Growing lemon grass along the terraces
Terracing and planting lemongrass
Panorama of terrace that have designed
Mr. Loc – Chef of Eco-kitchen participating in planting lemongrass